Photo Gallery
- Navaho
- Alpha Draco
- Jason
Other Programs
- None
Cost: Not available
Launch Complex Highlights
- September 1953 – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers initiated construction
- Launch complexes 9 and 10 were built to support the Navaho winged intercontinental missile program and utilized the same blockhouse; the two pads featured different launching methods. Initial focus was on Pad 9 and the blockhouse. The pad was 450′ from the blockhouse. The oval-shaped pad (115′ radius) and a 2-story reinforced concrete pedestal (66′ 8″ by 30′) with a foldaway erector gantry. The pre-launch shelter constructed of metal on wheels covered by a canvas awning
- January 1955 – Air Force and contractors occupied the blockhouse
- 1955 – Pad 10 construction started
- Pad 10 is located some 800′ from the blockhouse on hexagonally shaped reinforced concrete pad, 200 x 250′. The missile set on a portable Navaho launch stand and was serviced by a movable service tower 63′ tall. Rails were used to move the service tower
- 1956 – Pad 10 construction completed
- 29 June 1956 – Final acceptance of both pads
- 6 November 1956 to 18 November 1958 – Total of 11 Navaho XSM-64 vehicles were launched from Launch Complex 9. The last two flights were RISE (Research Into Supersonic Environment)
- No Navaho launches from Launch Complex 10; only static tests on a mobile launcher.
- Summer 1958 – Pad 10 reassigned to support the Jason research rocket on a mobile launcher
- 14 August 1958 – First Jason missile launched from Pad 3 or 10
- 14 August 1958 to 2 September 1958 – Total of 6 Jason were launched from Launch Complexes 3 and 10
- Late 1958 – Pad 10 modified to launch the Alpha Draco. A concrete flame deflector was poured and tie-down points were installed.
- 16 February 1959 to 27 April 1959 – Total of 3 Alpha Draco launched from Pad 10
- 1959 – Complex 10 was demolished to make room for Minuteman Launch Complexes 31 and 32
- 1962 – Blockhouse served as the Administration and Engineering Building
- May 1971 – Pad 9 abandoned
- 1978 to 2001 – Blockhouse converted to house the 2nd Combat Communications Group instructors’ quarters